Photo by Marek Piwnicki

Getting an understanding of how Heaven looks to some people who have been there will help give us a better understanding of what Heaven will be like when we get there. It will also give us a better focus on what is truly important in this life.

In my book, Heaven is Beyond Imagination, I write about many different features of Heaven and what fifty eyewitnesses to Heaven said about those features.

These are generally people who died temporarily and were later resuscitated. For a few, however, there is no record of cardiac arrest. But they were taken in the spirit to Heaven to enable them to tell us about it. Some of those who visited Heaven were told by Jesus to come back and tell His people what they had experienced because He is coming back very soon and He wants us to be ready. There is amazing consistency in their accounts as many saw the same things as others have, but each with their own expression of what they saw and life changing effects of experiencing Heaven.

image of skies with yellow rays piercing through them showing why heaven looks different for some people
Photo by Liu JiaWei

The title comes from the fact that while Heaven is like Earth in many ways; it is has differences that do not match anything in this world. There are more and brighter colors, our senses are sharper and there are senses we don’t have on Earth. The love and joy exceeds anything we can experience here. There is no crime, sickness, deformity, danger, or death there. Nothing dies there, not people, not animals, not plants, not flowers, not trees, not limbs, not leaves, not anything. Everything gives off light, the Light of God. There is music everywhere and it comes out of everything including flowers, water, walls, streets, things you would not expect to make music. In addition there are choirs of people and angels and amazing musical instruments. Nearly everyone reports witnessing all these things. The quality of life, the beauty, the wholeness, joy, peace, and companionship are also a universal experience.

image of beautiful field with a single dandelion displaying the possibility of why heaven looks different for some people
Photo by Daniela Paola Alchapar

Other things about heaven that are hard to imagine are that time is not linear; it is multidimensional and always “now”. Our bodies there have no internal organs and we don’t have to eat, sleep, or use the bathroom. We can eat or not, but if we do eat the food is more delicious than anything on Earth and no animals have to die to make our food or theirs. Heaven does not appear to be made of atoms and molecules so it never deteriorates like things here. God gives Heaven its light so there is no sun or moon, and there are no shadows since the light comes out of everything rather than from a point like the Sun. The water is not H2O but a water-like substance only available in Heaven. Since there does not appear to be any atoms in Heaven, the gold reported is not the element gold (chemical symbol Au, atomic number 79) but something gold-like. The physics of Heaven is different from that of this universe. You can walk on the ground or come down from above (safely) like there is gravity, but you can also rise and hover in the air like there is no gravity. Jesus is always everywhere and available all the time to everyone individually. I don’t know if we can be in two places at the same time, but since time is multidimensional and not linear, perhaps we can.

It is like Heaven is God’s ultimate Creation and this universe and Earth are like an architect’s model. It looks a lot like the real thing in many ways, but is not the real thing. The real thing cannot be fully captured in the model. Hence Heaven is beyond imagination!

While some people witness things others don’t and while not everyone sees everything, Heaven Is Beyond Imagination gives you the most complete understanding of Heaven we have. It is fully compatible with what Scripture tells us but goes far beyond it in many wonderful ways. It is something God wants you to know at this time to encourage you and build up your hope and faithfulness. You can’t imagine how deep and full and complete is God’s love and acceptance of you because of what His Son did for you. Repentance and accepting Jesus’ sacrifice for you is the key to this wonderful paradise. Make sure you are ready to go there.

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