Photo by Susanne Jutzeler

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Hebrews 1:14

In the infinite greatness of the heavens, God does not exist alone. Aside from the existence of innumerable benevolent souls, there are also His inexhaustible and endless legions of angels.

What is an angel, you may ask? An angel is a servant of God. The common image that humanity has of them is that of a beautiful and androgynous figure, either with golden wings or sometimes without.

Multiple eyewitness accounts of heaven say that there is actually a great diversity of angels.

God’s Glorious Servants

Firsthand accounts say that angels normally have humanlike figures. Within heaven and, perhaps, the corporeal world, they are able to go wherever they willed in an instantaneous manner. Often, these angels manifest at seven feet tall, while others reveal themselves to be forty or more feet. Some angels wear non-humanoid shapes, mimicking the forms of animals instead. Angels do not bother with gender like humans, but they also have a wide variety, from obviously sexless to firmly masculine to femininely soft.

Friendly and knowledgeable, they serve the non-angelic denizens of heaven faithfully under the direction of God. Within the bounds of the heavens, angels act as librarians and farmers, workers and protectors, teachers and mentors, and whatever else.

A pair of metal-wrought angels.
The many angels of Heaven each have their roles.

Photo by Francesco Paggiaro

Angels do not normally speak (although it is known that they can speak), but their presence alone conveys a lot. When they show themselves, they are brightly aglow with the glory of God. A sheet of golden light follows them always, their hair perfectly cut as if cast in bronze.

The Many Angels of Heaven

When a Christian soul reaches the gates of heaven, an angel is the first to greet them. They come either alone or with a partner. When the latter occurs, it is the duty of the right angel to explain the goings-on in heaven, and it is the left’s duty to remind the soul of its appointment with God later on. One of their many tasks counts as being a part of the welcoming committee.

Aside from these angels of welcome, there are also warriors whose eyes are like fire, eternally guarding the Throne of God. They wielded swords of flame, similar to the angel who guarded the Garden of Eden in ages past. They seemed to be highly respected amongst the other angels.

Working alongside God were the angels of record, who wrote and kept the record books in heaven. It is said that everything that happens within the universe would be recorded by them.

There were then the angels of war, similar to the warrior angels but different. Thousands count among their number. They are not always kept in heaven but were sent out by the Holy Spirit to fight against the insidious forces of Satan. They are the angelic equivalent of first responders, coming into the fray when the name of Jesus Christ is called upon.

Angels of wisdom can also be found in heaven. They tend to the endless libraries of God, taking care of the knowledge that is guarded on its shelves. These are the angels that visit Christians when they invoke the name of Jesus for wisdom.

A statue of an angel holding her hands in prayer with her wings spread wide.
The many angels of Heaven each have their roles.

Photo by Aibek Skakov

Aptly called angels of protection, they are in charge of providing defense for the faithful while also being in charge of the weather. They are granted power by God to do whatever is necessary to protect innocent souls.

Heaven Is Beyond Imagination                                                 

There are many angels of heaven, and there are more still that haven’t been mentioned in this article. The vastness and diversity of angels are a testament to the insightful and prescient mind of God. All of this description of angels is what has been stated by people who have eyewitnessed angels during a temporary death visit to heaven.

There are as many types of angels as there are stars in the night sky, and each has its own unique role in God’s creation, which they were born to do and only they can do.

Heaven cannot be conceived properly by the human mind, but people can certainly try. That’s why there might be conflicting narratives of what ultimately angels are and do—let alone what heaven actually is.

Regardless, for readers out there who want to know more about heaven and its denizens and its environs, Heaven Is Beyond Imagination by Jacques LaFrance is a meticulous investigation into the nature of the afterlife, gleaned from firsthand accounts of temporary death experiences.

Click the link above to learn more about how to secure a copy.

My way to spirituality is that of calmness and solitude. I write to help you find peace within yourself despite the chaos in the world. Hopefully, my words can convey the meaning I aim them to have, a clarity of the message I desire to deliver. Make sure to love life!
Cassandra Wood

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